

cuss 变化形式
第三人称单数: cusses
过去式: cussed
过去分词: cussed
现在分词: cussing
易混淆的单词: Cuss

cuss 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- He 's a pleasant old cuss .
- 他是个令人愉快的老家伙。
- How the cuss did you qualify for this ?
- 你究竟怎么弄到这张卡的?
- We try to hustle them , try to bustle them , try to cuss them .
- 我们尝试驱赶他们,尝试驱赶他们,尝试诅咒他们。
- But they never taught him to cuss worth a damn .
- 只不过他们没教他怎么像样地骂人。
- Why the cuss didn 't I listen to my lawyer ?
- 我当初为什么没听律师的话?
- Why is she gonna cuss me out ?
- 她干嘛要骂我?
- Friendly cuss , ain 't he ?
- 他没恶意对吗?
- You 're not gonna cuss with me , you little cuss !
- 你耍不过我的你这笨蛋!
- Did you just say a cuss word ?
- 刚才你说了一句粗话
- His ideas are not worth a tinker 's cuss ; they are all borrowed from others .
- 他的见解毫无价值,都是从别人那里抄来的。