- mulualemtegegn去年买了一头驴。
- Mulualem tegegn bought a donkey last year .
- 一名男子说,曾有人把一条驴子拴在其上并拍手,为哈马式的幽默而备感自豪。
- Someone put a donkey on it and clapped , says one man , priding himself on hama 's sense of humour .
- 我的家应是宁静祥和的,家人们小小地就社会公正问题争吵下,各自还是把你喜爱的礼物钉在蓝色的驴子上。
- I want my home to be a place of tranquility and calm and little social justice fighters playing pin your favorite president on the blue donkey .