- 正如你想的那样,有些他们的卫道士指出,已故的本拉登也持赞同态度引用了一些作家的文字,包括noamchomsky跟michaelscheuer,还有我本人。
- As you 'd expect , some of their defenders have pointed out that the late osama bin laden also cited some writers favorably , including noam chomsky , michael scheuer , and yours truly .
- 下边是怎样用limera1n越狱您的设备,我在iphone4上亲自测试过。
- Below is how to use limera1n to jailbreak your device , tested by yours truly on the iphone 4 .
- 而包括本报记者在内的经济决定论者们着实会说经济慢慢好转,应当也的确为我们呈现一场势均力敌的大选。
- Yet economic determinists including yours truly can point out that a bad economy slowly getting better should , and did , yield a close election .