- 我每每试着纠正她。
- I tried to correct her .
- 而激光手术可以纠正这两个问题。
- Laser eye surgery can correct both .
- 但公布的数据都正确吗?
- But are the numbers correct ?
- 这同时包括为其命名的权利。
- That would include naming right .
- elop说的话部分正确。
- Elop was partially right .
- 飞来的子弹有优先通行权。
- Incoming fire has the right of way .
- 这不是正当的挑战手段。
- This is not a proper challenge .
- 从这个单元里找出正确的单词。
- C. find the proper words in this unit .
- 任何新的框架都有赖于正确的执行。
- Any new framework hinges on proper enforcement .
- 其中一个原因是科学家们似乎会争论她的工作的有效性。
- One reason is that scientists seem likely to argue about the validity of her work .
- 接着他又主动要求证明这一看法的正确性。
- He then volunteered to demonstrate the validity of his opinion .
- 这项调查为评估的正确性提供的有力的证据。
- This study provides initial evidence supporting the validity of the assessment .