- 更好的是,神已经应许在永恒里因你的忠心而赏赐你。
- Even better , god has promised to reward your faithfulness in eternity .
- 我不祈求成功,我祈求忠诚。
- I do not pray for success , I ask for faithfulness .
- 对于我来说,留着旧款设备不是因为它们有多好看,而是事关忠诚,我不想弃置与我一同成长起来的东西。
- For me , keeping the old model is not about the look , but about faithfulness and not wanting to discard something you 've grown close to .
- 哈哈您是在逗我玩儿吧。
- Haw-haw , are you kidding me zh .
- 这儿哞哞哞,那儿哞哞哞。
- A moo , moo here and a moo , moo there zh .
- 我是中文维基的管理员之一和中文维基在这里的大使。
- I am a sysop of the zh wiki and am an ambassador of the zh wiki here .