- 史密斯瞧见纳布时的喜悦和纳布找到主人的高兴,那是难以形容的。
- The pleasure ofharding on seeing his servant , and the joy of neb at finding his master , can scarcely be described .
- 她愿意不时地从一处走到另一处,甜甜地唱着歌,看上去总是满是喜悦……她喜欢独处,在田野和小树林中散步,好像总有那看不见的一位在与她谈心。
- She will sometimes go about from place to place , singing sweetly ; and seems to be always full of joy and pleasure . She loves to be alone , walking in the fields and groves , and seems to have some one invisible always conversing with her .
- 当记录的时候,研究人员会记录那些吸引他们的活动运,分为七个等级,把参与人员积极的情绪记录为高兴、快乐,消极的情绪记录为忧虑、生气和沮丧。
- When paged , they recorded the activity in which they were engaged and , using a seven-point scale , they rated their positive feelings like happiness , joy , and pleasure as well as negative feelings of anxiety , anger , and depression .
- 他们将以盛宴款待宾客。
- They will regale the guests with a feast .
- 和那温暖我们灵魂的欢乐之火。
- And a pleasant fire our souls to regale .
- 有人付帐时他乐意引人发笑。
- He loves to regale them if someone else pays .
- 蚂蚁和蚱蜢是快乐的。
- Ants and grasshoppers are happy .
- 整理过的磁盘是快乐的磁盘。
- A defragged drive is a happy drive .
- 这不是一件令人愉快的事。
- This was not a happy story .