- 比如,假若法庭裁决有爱情存在的话,与未成年人的性关系有时是被宽恕的。
- For instance , sexual relations with a minor is sometimes excused if the court rules there is love .
- 他成了一个小职员。
- He became a minor clerk .
- 小面积停电频繁发生。
- Frequent minor blackouts are common .
- 其次说说这款手机的次要功能。
- Then there are the secondary features .
- 4秒二次回路中的备用水泵自动启动。
- 4 Sec backup pumps within the secondary loop automatically turn on .
- 投资者利用二次收购的收益如何还不太明确。
- How well investors are being served by secondary buy-outs is less clear .
- 他对下级官员一向和蔼可亲。
- Eg. he was always friendly to his subordinate officers .
- 有可能用到这些官邸的下级指挥官恐怕也早已在其他地方建立了指挥部。
- Subordinate commanders who might have once used the compound also must have long since established alternate command sites .
- 仔细考虑是否要把这个任务转移给另一个部门或者委托给下级,gegax建议。
- Carefully consider whether to deflect the situation to another department or delegate it to a subordinate , gegax advises .