- 他笔下的“灰姑娘”是一个樵夫的女儿,她用金色的鞋子从太阳和月亮那里换回了她的挚爱。
- His cinderella is a woodcutter 's daughter who uses golden slippers to recover her beloved from beyond the moon and the sun .
- 第三棵树感到困惑不已,因为樵夫把她劈成粗大的横梁,而且留在了木材厂。“这是怎么回事?”
- The third tree was confused when the woodcutter cut her into strong beams and left her in a lumberyard . " What happened ? "
- 一日,三个樵夫登上山顶,一个樵夫看见了第一棵树,说道,“这棵树生长的完美无缺,正适合我使用。”
- One day three woodcutters climbed the mountain . The first woodcutter looked at the first tree and said , " this tree is beautiful . It is perfect for me . "
- 他慈祥地问樵夫:“你好,樵夫,为什么哭得这么悲伤?”
- He asked the man kindly , " hello , woodman . Why are you crying so sadly ? "
- 当樵夫把自己的经历讲述给同伴听时,其中一个人对他的好运气十分嫉妒,决定也去碰碰运气。
- When the woodman told the story to his companions , one of these was filled with envy of his good fortune and determined to try his luck for himself .
- 那天晚上,樵夫慢慢地走回家。他觉得很饿,都等不及吃晚饭了。“晚饭做好了吗?”樵夫问他的妻子。
- That evening , the woodman walked slowly home . He was feeling very hungry and could not wait for his supper . " Is my supper ready ? " The woodman asked his wife .