He asked the man kindly , " hello , woodman . Why are you crying so sadly ? "
When the woodman told the story to his companions , one of these was filled with envy of his good fortune and determined to try his luck for himself .
That evening , the woodman walked slowly home . He was feeling very hungry and could not wait for his supper . " Is my supper ready ? " The woodman asked his wife .
The woodman replied that it was not , and mercury then dived a second time , and , bringing up a silver axe , asked if that was his .
But that woodman and that farmer , though they work unceasingly , work silently , and no one heard them as they went about with muffled tread : the rather , for as much as to entertain any suspicion that they were awake , was to be atheistical and traitorous .
Asked the woodman firewood , driving boat asked shaogong .
The forest seemed interminable ; nowhere did he discover a break in it , not even a woodman 's road . He had not known that he lived in so wild a region .