- 100g楔形的切达干酪提供大约720mg的钙。
- A 100g wedge of cheddar provides about 720mg of calcium .
- 当从地面上看时,架子云似乎是很低的楔形云,人们常常会把这种云和大雷雨联系在一起。
- When viewed from the ground shelf clouds appear as low wedge shaped clouds and are usually associated with severe thunderstorms .
- 他高消费的餐馆迎合了这个呈楔形向富有人群发展的阶级的口味,而对于这些人来说,他的名字就是质量的代名词。
- His pricey restaurants cater to the thickening wedge of wealthy muscovites , among whom his name is a totem of quality .
- 继续钉住美元意味着进口美国的衰退,而且会导致通货膨胀率进一步上升。
- Sticking with the peg would mean importing the policies of recession-threatened america and feeding inflation still more .
- 只有出现奇迹、或者进行某种(不会加剧衰退的)严厉而可靠的财政调整,才能挽回钉住汇率制的公信力并带来增长性复苏。
- Only a miracle or some draconian and credible fiscal adjustment ( that does not exacerbate the recession ) could restore the peg 's credibility and lead to a growth recovery .
- 阿根廷的经验也表明退出长期汇率钉住制后,由于大型私有企业的外币债务不能更换币值,他们在国际金融市场的机会也会减少。
- Argentina 's experience also shows that exiting a long-term peg tends to sink large private corporations with access to international financial markets , because their foreign-currency liabilities cannot be redenominated .
- 你必须抓紧时间,现在就去做。
- You must take time by the forelock and do it now .
- 我得抓住机会去学习英语和其他至少一门语言。
- I 'll take time by the forelock to study english and another foreign language at least .
- 不要站在马的正前方或正后方,即使你在帮它刷尾巴或者前额,因为它不一定看得见你。
- Never stand directly in front or directly behind a horse , even when you are brushing his tail or forelock , because he may not be able to see you well .
- 自行车链调整器和曲柄扁销。
- Bicycles -- chain adjusters and crank cotter pins .
- 自行车链条调节器和曲柄销钉。
- Chain adjusters and crank cotter pins for bicycles .
- 霍兰德考特是《时代》杂志的艺术评论员,他获得了2009年普利策评论奖。
- Holland cotter , an art critic for the times , won the pulitzer prize for criticism in 2009 .