- 斯金格爵士(sirhowardstringer)透露,已经建立了一个工作组决定如何塑造新手机部门的品牌,该部门将放弃老式手机,而专注于智能手机。
- Sir howard stringer , sony chief executive , said a task force had been set up to decide how to brand the unit , which will move away from older-style phones and concentrate on smartphones .
- 斯特林格指出,减少产品数量意味着关闭业务、裁减人员,这对于一家日本公司来说是很难办到的。
- Mr. stringer pointed out that cutting products would mean closing businesses and layoffs -- tough for a japanese company .
- 与斯特林格小姐的谈话,启发我将注意力进一步放在弄清谁是我们最好的顾客上,并着手开始将这些顾客纳入我们公司业务关系中珍贵的营销材料里。
- My conversation with ms. stringer led me to focus on further clarifying who our best customers are and to start incorporating in our marketing materials what we value , as a company , in our business relationships .
- 有人提醒他们,要提防那些专靠他人的劳动以自肥的公司。
- They were warned against the companies who batten on the efforts of others .
- 利用亲戚自饱私囊是不应该的。
- It is not fair to batten on one 's relatives .
- 我们所能做的就是坐下来等待。
- All we can do now is batten down and ride it out .
- 只有少数桥梁采用纤维增强塑料的主体支撑梁。
- Only a handful of bridges have major support beams made from them .
- 如同大部分读者所知,工字梁是建筑中钢材的标准单位。
- As most readers doubtless know , h beams are the standard unit of steel used in construction .
- 伦敦的自然历史博物馆有着大教堂般的中央大厅,高耸的拱形天花板上采用铁肋梁结构,并用描画着许多植物和动物的手绘瓷砖装饰。
- The cathedral-like central hall of london 's natural history museum boasts a towering arched ceiling ribbed with exposed iron beams and adorned with hundreds of hand-painted tiles depicting plants and animals .