- 天花有许多典型的特征可以让它比小儿麻痹症更容易根除。
- Smallpox had a number of characteristics that made it easier to eradicate than polio .
- 2007年,比尔盖茨宣布开始着手消灭另一种疾病即疟疾。
- In 2007 bill gates set out to eradicate another , malaria .
- 分析人士们说,单靠海军驻军无法消灭这一地区的海盗。
- Analysts say a naval presence alone will not eradicate piracy in the region .
- 全球根除脊髓灰质炎倡议该疾病流行国家和高风险的无脊髓灰质炎的国家发展长期战略。
- The global polio eradication initiative is developing long-term strategies for polio endemic countries and also for high-risk polio-free countries .
- 人类已经消灭天花,小儿麻痹也近乎绝迹,没有什么比这更像是扮演上帝的角色,也没有哪个有理智的人会为此而遗憾。
- Nothing has been more god-like than our eradication of smallpox and near eradication of polio , but few sane people regret this .
- 完完全全消灭纳粹体制及其带来的战争机器是唯一安全的结果。
- Complete eradication of the nazi regime and the war machine it had brought into being was the only safe outcome .