- 李芦媛的新住所与817宿舍隔着高速公路相望,位于红灯区一个阴暗、刺鼻的小巷尽头。
- Luyuan 's new apartment was across the highway from room 817 , down a dark , pungent alley in the red-light district .
- 事件一开始,我所知道的仅仅是在加尔各答红灯区某座妓院的三楼房间里囚禁着一位年幼的少女。
- At the beginning , I knew only about a young teenage girl imprisoned on the third floor of a brothel in a red-light district here in kolkata .
- 到了二十世纪,斯科特乔普林(mapleleafrag,枫叶拉格)将雷格泰姆音乐从红灯区带入合法的舞台而使其变得红火。
- By the 1900s , scott joplin ( maple leaf rag ) had made ragtime popular by bringing it out of the red-light district onto the legitimate stage .