- 俄罗斯和巴西此时也在留心观察,是否可让自己庞大的外汇储备成为政治或经济手段。
- Russia and brazil are also watching to see if they can use their large reserves as a political or economic lever .
- 奥尔斯扎克先生认为如若实施这一税种了,该条款会成为控制开支的一个重要手段,他是对的。
- Mr orszag is right that , if implemented , this provision will represent an important lever of cost control .
- 他还指出可以利用美国经融体系作为一个重要手段。
- He also notes the importance of using access to the american financial system as a lever .
- 希弗一家人乐天豁达的性格给观众留下难忘的印象。
- Heaver a person lotte expansive personality to the audience left a lasting impression .
- 贯彻上诉不加刑原则的实践反思与立法完善。
- Rethinking on the application of the principle appeal without a heaver punishment and it 's legislative lmprovement .
- 这样我们就能踏上从创世大爆炸到终极人生目标的旅途,使我们的躯体能量化,一代代繁衍下去,直到我们走近天堂。
- In this way , we participate in the long journey of evolution from the big bang to life 's ultimate goal to energize our bodies , generation by generation , until we walk a heaver we can finaly see .