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tragically 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释

And the obama transition team put out a tragically dumb forecast suggesting it would keep the unemployment rate below 8 percent .
Tragically he committed suicide when the investment went wrong .
Other cases have ended more tragically , with the death of suspected lovers during high-speed car chases .
Tragically , so many of us fail to see the desired results in this crazy little thing called parenting .
Hiv is efficiently ( and tragically ) spread via breast milk , so we know that swallowing hiv-infected fluid can result in infection .
The incidents have also drawn parallels with jaws , steven spielberg 's 1975 thriller in which a town mayor tragically errs while trying to balance the interests of safety against the local tourist economy .
The canadian project seeks more brain donations from formercontact sport athletes . To try to find out why some seem able toavoid cte , while others tragically are not .
She felt that the only way to break the dream and return to reality was to kill herself , and tragically , she does just that .
It has to do specifically with the misapplication of the death penalty in terms of race , in terms of the potency of court-appointed counsel and in terms of the admission of dna evidence in cases where tragically slipshod work by police and prosecutors is undone by modern technology .
Mendelsohn , who welcomed the news of the gay marriage act outside the stonewall , has learned above all to place his loss within a larger context - in a way that , though tragically ironic , gives added positive meaning to the otherwise devastating experience .