Russia and brazil are also watching to see if they can use their large reserves as a political or economic lever .
Mr orszag is right that , if implemented , this provision will represent an important lever of cost control .
He also notes the importance of using access to the american financial system as a lever .
Turning the renminbi into a serious international currency weakens a key policy lever .
Since the unsecured overnight rate has been the principal policy lever for central banks , this development could , the bis warns , make it hard for them to rein in inflation in the future .
The big round handle is the landing gear lever .
It is , rather , creating a lever to prise open closed markets .
The securities and exchange commission has a strong lever that it can use to regulate the rating agencies .
A few euro-zone economies , notably spain and ireland , may use the fiscal lever .
As interest rates across the economy are set in relation to gilt yields , quantitative easing acts as an extra lever pushing down borrowing costs .