- 换句话说,这场选举就是一位普通的共和党人对上了机械的的民主党人。
- In other words , the campaign pitted a generic republican against a machine democrat .
- 遗憾的是,这样的计算机还远非触手可及。
- Unfortunately , such a machine is not in the offing .
- 直升机能够盘旋和随处着陆的能力使它成为一种极为有用的飞机。
- The ability of a helicopter to hover and land almost anywhere makes it an enormously useful machine .
- 住房建设和机器投资势头尤为迅猛。
- Housing construction and machinery investment were especially robust .
- 小公司则通过购买机器来避免雇佣员工。
- Small firms buy machinery to avoid taking on staff .
- 额外多施肥和购买新的机器才有帮助。
- Spreading extra fertiliser or buying new machinery helps .
- 两个发动机各配一个。
- There 's one for each engine .
- 这艘船原装的是哪种发动机?
- What engine was the boat built for ?
- 不久之后第二个发动机也着火了。
- Later the 2nd engine is burning again .