- 听了这番祈祷,主希瓦便问天鹅为什么他的颜色如乌鸦般漆黑。于是,这只如主布茹阿玛的座骑般的天鹅便向主希瓦讲述了一个故事。
- After hearing this prayer , lord siva asked the swan why he had a black , crow like color . The swan , who resembled the sean carrier of lord brahma , told lord siva a story .
- 看到他们出现在黑白片里只会突出他们的诡异感,而且整个故事的确得益于色彩的缺席,因为这里是一个黑白分明的世界,没有多少调和的色彩。
- Seeing them in black & white only underlines their grotesquerie , and indeed the whole story benefits from the absence of color , because this is a stark world without many soothing tones .
- 苹果公司ipad产量的增长的故事,就像是曾经宝丽来公司的即拍相机在彩色胶卷行业的巨大突破。
- The story on apple 's ramp-up of ipad production is reminiscent of polaroid 's breakthrough in color film for its instant cameras .