- 以时间来推移感情,时间越长,冲的越淡,好像赓续浓缩的茶。
- While feeling is being processed by time : conflicts would be reconciled as time goes by : just like just one cupful of tea that is being continuously diluted .
- 因为害怕别人也会象父亲或外祖父那样,所以我很怕相信别人;于是,我担心自己将永远孤独。
- I worry I 'll be alone forever because I 'm scared to trust anyone for fear they 'll be just like my father and grandfather .
- 记住,他很可能跟你小时候一样:又倔又幼稚的以为自己什么都明白了。
- Remember , he 'll probably be just like you when you were a teenager : he 'll be stubborn , thickheaded and he 'll think he knows everything .
- 避免用做家务当作一种惩罚。
- Avoid using chores as a punishment .
- 舌头像鸟儿一样自由。
- Our tongues free as birds .
- 部级机关如政党封地一般运作。
- Ministries are run as party fiefs .