- 请带好暖衣和太阳镜。
- Pack warm clothing and sunglasses .
- 一阵暖光包裹着身体。
- A warm glow envelopes the body .
- 它有那么多口袋,还那么的暖和。
- It had many pockets and was warm .
- 我祖母有个烧木柴的炉子,上面总在煮些闻起来极香的好吃的东西。
- She had a wood-burning stove , and there was always something smelling great on the burners .
- 托尼大厨的另外一个电子:谁愿意在火炉里面工作一整天?
- Another thought from chef tony : who wants to slave over a hot stove all day ?
- 而她的祖母也曾经干过用把冰激凌放在平底锅上用火炉加热的事儿。
- Her grandmother also used to heat her ice cream in a saucepan on the stove .
- 一个小油箱装石油炼制的柴油以确保发动机启动运行至冷却器发热。
- A small one filled with petroleum-based diesel keeps the engine running until the car 's radiator has heated up .
- 此后水从冷却器流往穿过装着蔬菜油大油箱的管道,一旦大油缸的蔬菜油被水加热并开始具有流动性,司机只要按一下转换键,发动机就开始燃烧蔬菜油了。
- At that point water is diverted from the radiator into pipes that run through a larger tank filled with vegetable oil . Once this is nicely warm and runny , the driver flicks a switch and the engine starts burning the vegetable oil .
- 凭借其低重心,高压钢架,轻型高性能引擎以及蜂窝状散热器,这款车拥有了多种创新功能,并被今天的人们认为是第一款现代汽车。
- With its low center of gravity , pressed-steel frame , lightweight high-performance engine and honeycomb radiator , it featured numerous innovations and is regarded today as the first modern automobile .