

n.simul (Latin=at the same time) (拉丁语)同时( sim的名词复数 );similarly 相同;simile (Italian=in a similar way) (意大利语)同样;similar 相像的

sims 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释

Mr. sims says the pilot project covers a little less than five acres .
Police budgets are not going back to where they were , says chris sims , chief constable of west midlands .
In his office , mr. sims translates the paper that sent mr. sargent on a math quest .
But mr. sims and mr. sargent say their work is being misread .
Twomey used the sims online as an example of the sort of interface all companies in the future will be using , in fields including retail , client services , b2b and advertising .
Prof sims , for example , won his gong for advancing the crunching of numbers to draw out causes and effects of economic changes or shocks .
In the the following guest post , author and former venture capitalist peter sims talks about the challenges google faces not to suffer the same fate as every other dominant tech company before it .
Sims accomplished this trick by creating a genome composed of small equations rather than of long strings of digits .
But sims said that action to regulate the source of supply on the high seas was woefully lacking , and that information from the new study should provide the basis for the establishment of marine conservation areas .
Like a kid experimenting withthe sims , watts created a virtual community of individuals , then " infected " one with a " virus " -- a virtual disease , or contagious idea -- to see how far it would spread .