- 但即使是微弱的希望也总比没有强。
- But faint hope is better than none .
- 门厅里出现了一丝微弱的蜡烛的光亮。
- The faint light of a candle appeared in the hall .
- 她第一次试的时候,琳达测出了一条粉红线条和一条模糊的半粉红线条。
- The first time she tried , linda got one pink strip and one faint , half-pink strip .
- 救助计划既混乱又不可信。
- The scheme is confused and unconvincing .
- 但你自己的理论几乎同样混乱。
- But your own theory is almost as confused .
- 瓦斯开始在混乱的村民间弥漫开来。
- The gas rolls across the confused villagers .
- 但是昏暗光是如何引起树突棘数量变化的呢?
- But how might dim light have brought about dendritic spine changes ?
- 上帝昔日的慈悲之光在严峻的考验下渐渐暗淡。
- God 's past mercies dim with the intensity of present trials .
- 但是,如果外星人生命是比聪明绿人更暗淡的绿色黏液呢?
- But what if alien life was more dim green slime than brainy green men ?
- 混乱的布置是问题所在。
- The problem is the muddled arrangement .
- 但这传递了混乱的信息。
- But the message was muddled .
- 医保是一个巨大而混乱需要规范的产业。
- Health care is a huge muddled industry in need of regulation .
- 它的公司网络瘫痪了好多天,对此公司几乎未做任何解释。
- Its network was blacked out for days with scarcely a word from the company .
- 她说眼前一阵发黑,也不记得自己是如何回到了家中。
- She blacked out and could not remember how she had got home , she stated .
- 由于缺乏氧气,她发生了昏迷,但在约23000英尺时又重获意识。
- She blacked out due to lack of oxygen but regained consciousness at roughly 23000 feet .
- 黎明之前的价差总是最黑暗的。
- The spread is always darkest before the dawn .
- 没人想过缅甸民主的曙光会像雷声一样迅猛出现。
- Nobody ever expected myanmar 's democratic dawn to come up quite like thunder .
- 自从商业化互联网初露曙光,技术就让内容黯然失色了。
- Since the dawn of the commercial web , technology has eclipsed content .