- 凌晨雄鸡初鸣,黎明鸟儿欢唱,以及旭日东升,照耀在林间和牧场,此番美景无以伦比。
- Nothing is compared with the first cockcrow , the twittering of birds at dawn , the sight of the rising sun glinting on the trees and pastures .
- 粉红色的云朵飘在空中,太阳刚刚从山顶升起,天空正在慢慢变亮变蓝,周围的景物则慢慢变成金色。
- Little pink clouds were floating over the sky , that was growing brighter and bluer with every minute , while the heights and the meadow lands were turning gold under the rising sun , which was just appearing above the topmost peaks .
- 金鸡初啼,黎明鸟语,那闪烁着朝晖的树木和草原的景色。
- With the first cock crow , the twittering of birds at dawn , the sight of the rising sun glinting on the trees and pastures .