- 尽管舆论认为堕落的英国学生冒犯了稳重而严肃的外国同伴,但是国际学生看起来对于他们的教育还是比较满意的。
- Despite newspaper headlines to the effect that debauched and sodden british students offend the sensibilities of their sober and diligent foreign counterparts , international students seem satisfied with their education .
- 就是在尘世间,过一辈子清白、规矩日子,也比荒淫、放荡要快乐得多。
- There is more pleasure , even in this world , in an innocent and virtuous life , than in one debauched and vicious .
- 他们收买你们的奴隶法官,败坏你们的奴隶议会,用比最恶劣的奴役还要可怕的形式奴役你们的奴隶子女。
- They have purchased your slave judges , they have debauched your slave legislatures , and they have forced to worse horrors than chattel slavery your slave boys and girls .