- 这次停电给印度本已危机四伏的电力行业又添新愁。
- The blackout adds to an array of woes in india 's crisis-ridden power sector .
- 与巴西共用大坝的巴拉圭也遭受了大停电。
- Paraguay , which shares the dam with brazil , also suffered a major blackout .
- 弗吉尼亚州州长说,该州这次停电从规模上讲堪称史上第二大,并警告称可能一周内都不会恢复供电。
- Virginia 's governor called the blackout in his state its second-largest ever and warned that electricity might not be restored for a week .
- 同时,可靠性保险也把停电损失风险转移给了供电公司。
- Meanwhile , reliability insurance transfers the risk of outage loss to power supply company .
- 政府强制断电是为了防止大面积供电中断的现象。
- The government-mandated power cuts are aimed at preventing a widespread power outage .
- 最初据信主要影响消费者的服务中断问题,已开始影响企业用户。
- The outage , initially thought to affect mainly consumers , has begun to hit corporate users .
- 尊敬他人,不要中途打断。
- Be respectful and don 't interrupt .
- 小贴士:当她说话的时候不要打断她。
- Tip do not interrupt her when she speaks .
- 同时,我们不能也不敢让对流感的关注压倒或中断其他攸关生死的医疗项目。
- At the same time , we cannot , we dare not , let concerns about a pandemic overshadow or interrupt other vital health programmes .