- 机组人员完全没有意识到飞机处于失速状态,因此他们也没能采取任何的挽救措施。
- The crew never understood they were in a stall situation and therefore never undertook any recovery manoeuvres .
- 现在霍尔特又捣鼓着约翰逊案拖延执行,又让州高等法院开一个令人难堪的听证会。
- Now holt 's work had helped stall an execution and had persuaded the state supreme court to order a potentially embarrassing hearing .
- 尽管失速的警报一直在响,但是飞行员对它置之不理,仍然让机鼻保持朝上然而事实上飞机正笔直地坠向大海。
- Despite a stall warning sounding continually , it was ignored and the pilot kept the plane 's nose pointing upward - while the plane was in fact plummeting toward the ocean .
- 奥巴马的立场在那里?
- Where does senator obama stand ?
- 美国应当更坚持于自己的立场。
- America needs to stand firmer .
- 这一立场已经激怒了金先生。
- The stand has infuriated mr kim .
- 纠缠的光子会共享量子态。
- Entangled photons share quantum states .
- 他们可以暂时取消股票回购。
- They can suspend share buybacks .
- 股票价格正大幅上涨。
- Share prices are up sharply .