- 据测算,有6450万套公寓没有通电,意味着这足够两亿人居住的房子都是空的。
- By one reckoning , there are 64.5 million flats with no electricity hookups , meaning they are empty enough housing to accommodate 200 million people .
- 按照以色列的估计,伊朗在未来几个月内就能获取制造核武器的技术,在其后的一年内就能造出核弹。
- By israel 's reckoning , iran will have the know-how to make nuclear weapons within months and , thereafter , could build atomic bombs within a year .
- 根据这种测算,自耶稣诞生以来创造的历史中,有28%是在20世纪创造的。
- By this reckoning , over 28 % of all the history made since the birth of christ was made in the 20th century .
- 我们怎么来计算这样的取舍呢?
- How do we calculate these kind of trade-offs ?
- 第三步,计算你的日常开支费用。
- Step 3 . Calculate your overhead costs .
- 计算投资的回报变得越来越难。
- The return on investment is harder to calculate .
- 他的预言是正确的,只不过他说错了行业。
- His prediction was right , but he got the industry wrong .
- 但是,也不是完全和arthur爵士所预言的不同。
- It wasn 't exactly unlike sir arthur 's prediction , however .
- 结果他的预言成真了蒸汽涡轮机的效率提高推动了工业革命的发展。
- His prediction came true increasingly efficient steam turbines powered the industrial revolution .