- 美国目前的生产已接近产能上限。
- The us is already operating near capacity .
- 该研发中心靠近卡特彼勒的工厂。
- The center is near caterpillar factories .
- 学校的保安站在靠近讲台的地方。
- University security guards stand near the stage .
- 这种方法有两个优点。
- This approach has two advantages .
- 这说明我们需要一个不同的途径。
- That means we need a different approach .
- 这种方式不可能长久。
- This approach cannot succeed indefinitely .
- 开放访问也有其问题。
- Open access also has its pitfalls .
- 根据访问时间对列表进行排序!
- Sort the list by access time !
- 它解决了许多跟内容访问相关的难题。
- It solves many scenarios related to content access .
- 相比戏剧,电影则由于摄像机的邻近性,是一种更为亲密和细致入微的媒介。
- Film is a much more intimate and thoughtful medium than theatre because of the proximity of the camera .
- 金融城的金融家、律师与会计师由于相互接近而得利。
- The city 's financiers , lawyers and accountants benefit from proximity .
- 沃顿对医疗保健的高度重视及其与费城医药公司的邻近确保了它能吸引关注医疗保健市场的科学家、医生、咨询顾问和律师。
- Wharton 's strong healthcare focus and its proximity to philadelphia 's pharmaceutical companies ensures that it attracts scientists , physicians , consultants and lawyers focused on the healthcare market .