

laps 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- A survey conducted by aaa reports that one-fifth of drivers allow their dogs on their laps .
- 一项由aaa所做的调查报告说,五分之一的司机允许他们的宠物狗坐在他们的大腿上。
- Run laps on a bus !
- 在巴士上跑圈了!
- The sea laps the base of the cliff .
- 海浪拍打悬崖的底部。
- Better yet , climb the stairs between hallway laps .
- 更好的话,可以爬爬楼层间的楼梯。
- Tired women held toddlers on their laps , and if you were lucky , you could claim a folding table .
- 疲劳的妇女们把幼儿抱在她们的膝盖上,如果你幸运的话,你也可以提出要一张折叠桌子。
- He just laps up flattery .
- 他只爱听恭维话。
- And now peace laps her round .
- 现在她周围是一片安宁。
- I doubt anything 's gonna drop into our laps .
- 我怀疑我们这样能有多大用处。
- Doing laps around l.a. , people on and off sitting next to him .
- 人们来来去去,坐在他旁边。
- L gotta do something . L 'm gonna go do laps .
- 我要发泄一下,我去游泳。