- 123接受美国能源部拨款,是根据2009年的经济刺激法案进行的。
- A123 's grant from the department of energy was funded by the 2009 economic-stimulus law .
- 当时低迷的价格还促使一些公司董事会比正常情况授予了更多的期权和股票。
- The depressed prices at the time also prompted some boards to grant larger numbers of options or shares than usual .
- 还有些议员赞同授予美国政府问责局(governmentaccountabilityoffice)审计美联储的权力。
- Others are preparing to grant sweeping audit power over the fed to the government accountability office .
- 最差电子邮件结束语奖。
- Award for worst e-mail sign off .
- 科幻惊悚片《盗梦空间》获得了最佳摄影奖。
- Sci-fi thriller inception picked up the cinematography award .
- 尽管这所大学排除了我剽窃的嫌疑,但仍拒绝授予我博士学位。
- Even though the university has cleared me of plagiarism it has still refused to award me my phd .
- 与全球最大赌博中心的联合,曾赋予该公司某种魅力。
- Association with the world 's biggest gambling hub used to confer a certain glamour .
- 授予一项荣誉即是肯定了众人某种共同秉持的信念。
- To confer an honor is to affirm a standard believed to be held in common .
- 剑桥大学都是在十月份授予学位的,这就意味着学生们必须等到中秋之后才能申请他们的工作签证了。
- University of cambridge doesn 't confer degrees until october , which means students have to wait until mid-fall to apply for their work visa .
- 我们必须永远告别过去那种轻度监管模式,赋予新监管机制切实且明确规定的责任、强制性的权力和足够的资源。
- We must eschew yesterday 's light-touch approach for good and endow this supervisor with real and clearly defined responsibilities , coercive powers and adequate resources .
- 他希望菌木能赋予现代乐器以温暖圆润的音质,如同安东尼奥斯特拉迪瓦里在17世纪后期及18世纪早期制作的琴一样。
- His hope is that it will endow modern instruments with the warm and mellow tones found in those made during the late 17th and early 18th centuries by antonio stradivari .
- 欧盟不应掩盖分歧,而是需要采用一种模式,让行驶在快车道的成员国充当先锋,为整个欧洲一体化项目赋予新的目标。
- Rather than hiding this division , the eu now needs a model in which fast-lane nations act as pioneers who endow the whole project with new purpose .