- 2.预测可能出现的问题,提前进行规划。
- Anticipate problems that might come up and plan for them . "
- 然而,这个计划不会奏效。
- Their master plan won 't work .
- 有时,备选方案也毫不逊色。
- Sometimes , plan b is pretty good .
- 他参与起草和传播了一份呼吁扩大民主的宣言。
- He helped draft and disseminate a manifesto calling for greater democracy .
- 自从一月以来,保守党已经起草并发布多项宣言。
- Since january they have published various chunks of a draft manifesto .
- 希腊提交了一份宏伟的2011年预算草案。
- Greece presented an ambitious draft budget for 2011 .
- 看看你是否能够模仿他的好品质。
- See if you can imitate their best qualities .
- 希腊应该效仿迪拜在去年12月份为避免违约所采取的做法。
- It should imitate the example that dubai set in december for avoiding default .
- 但遗憾的是,现实生活并不总是效仿电视艺术。
- In that respect , unfortunately , life does not always imitate art .
- 他们准备再次举行抗议。
- They intend to protest again .
- 随着你的证据增加,你的读者会得出你想要得出的结论。
- As your evidence mounts , your reader draws the conclusion that you intend .
- 研究人员拟应用芯片制作中所用的标准平版印刷技术,将许多极小的磁铁包被到一块半导体上。
- The researchers intend to use the standard lithographic techniques employed in chipmaking to coat a semiconductor with microscopic magnets .
- 网页设计师不会被框架产生的标记所限制,也不是被迫围绕内嵌代码或是伪代码来设计。
- The web designer is not constrained by framework generated markup nor are they she forced to design around inline code or pseudo code .
- 我们的结论是,线性叠加模型软体对於微小的浓度改变敏感,但需要发展一个校正的流程以消除伪浓度改变量。
- We conclude that lcmodel is sensitive to tiny concentration changes , but it would be necessary to develop a calibration procedure to eliminate pseudo concentration changes .
- 这一年,我们被煽情的废话所淹没。
- This year we were swamped by pseudo emotional guff .