The flocking duelist all blurted in a voluminous chuckle .
Their long black hair was plaited and they were garbed in colourful , voluminous skirts and wore headscarves and huge golden earrings .
Wrapped in a voluminous white blanket , and partly crammed into one of the cribs , there sat an old man apparently about seventy years of age .
The web is far more voluminous .
When carrying voluminous goods , it reduces the overall weight , lowering fuel consumption per kilometer .
Voluminous red tape , a lack of financial transparency and endemic corruption are further deterrents .
The 31-year-old former prosecutor has inherited the kennedy smile and the voluminous kennedy hair ( his is red ; he looks more irish than his forefathers did ) .
Works tenders normally involve voluminous requirements and bulky submissions , and hence involve more complex considerations and are not handled by the electronic tendering system .