

injection 变化形式
复数: injections

injection 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- One possibility would be the injection of cash into their pension funds .
- 一个可能的方法是将现金注入公司的养老金。
- The baby was killed while still in the womb by an injection arranged by local family-planning officials .
- 女婴还在冯女士腹中的时候就在当地工作人员的安排下通过注射杀害。
- Like you they were shown into a room after the injection with the over-excited fellow student .
- 跟你一样他们在注射后和另一个过度兴奋的学生呆在一个房间。
- For severe pms or pmdd , this injection can be used to temporarily stop ovulation .
- 当出现严重pms或经前不悦症的时候,注射此药可暂时抑制排卵。
- Many other factories use processes such as laser cutting and injection moulding that operate without any human intervention .
- 另外许多工厂则使用了诸如激光切割与注射成型这些不需人工干预的生产方法。
- Each injection lasts for six months .
- 每针的有效期达半年。
- Mr forbes wants an injection of cash to develop forbes media 's online operations .
- 福布斯先生想给福布斯在线媒体业务的发展注入一笔现款。
- In that case , the liquidity injection would not be absorbed by domestic demand .
- 在这种情况下,流动性的注入不会为国内需求所吸收。
- Back then , the cash injection was positive for the economy .
- 上轮注入市场的流动性对香港经济起到了积极作用。
- With management insight from ceibs and the injection of new personnel talent , the company started to move out of the red .
- 依靠从中欧获得的管理洞见,加上引入了新的人才,全时开始逐渐走出亏损状态。