- 一个即将到来的newt必然会使得这场竞赛更加热闹。
- A newt in the offing would certainly enliven the race .
- 这种讽刺虽不公平,但这多多少少也活跃了一下波澜不惊的大选。
- The caricature is unfair , but it could enliven what has been a largely issueless election .
- 削减政府开支、提高税收无法活跃国内市场,况且英国的主要贸易伙伴欧元区,也处在水深火热之中。
- Lower government spending and higher taxes will do little to enliven the domestic market , and the euro area , britain 's main trading partner , is struggling .
- 美国国会必须自我觉醒,提供包括临时性工资税削减和失业保险在内的短期财政支持,基础设施投资,通过税制改革和权利收回削减中期赤字的可靠计划。
- In america congress must rouse itself to provide both fiscal support in the short term-extending temporary payroll-tax cuts and unemployment insurance , and investment in infrastructure-and a credible plan to cut the deficit in the medium term through tax reform andtackling entitlements .
- 试图激起国际公愤的努力喜忧参半。
- Efforts to rouse international ire have had mixed success .
- 并不是要把我们从睡眠中唤醒,它现在的作用像是我们睡前喝的那一杯热牛奶。
- Far from trying to rouse us from slumber , its role is now to offer us a cup of warm milk before bed .