- 她是该所的第一批毕业生。
- She was among the first batch of graduates .
- 下一批邮件无疑会更有意思。
- The next batch will surely be better .
- 还销售伍德福德储备的小批量的波本威士忌,售价7美元。
- It also sells small batch bourbon from woodford reserve for $ 7 .
- 许多环节也可能走错。
- A lot could still go wrong .
- 答案关乎许多问题的解决。
- A lot hangs on the answer .
- 他知道了许多真实的事!
- He knew a lot of facts !
- 第一组没有服用任何药物。
- One group didn 't receive anything .
- 那么哪一组的进步最大?
- So which group improved the most ?
- 参加或者创办一个小组。
- Join or start a group .
- 未来的住房行业数据将加强或者驳斥房屋市场的疼痛是否会开始逐渐消失。
- Future housing data will confirm or refute whether the housing market 's pain is starting to fade .
- 它没有主题,策划人也没有指定任何理论,他们也没有进行或反驳任何历史论证。
- It has no theme ; the curators advance no theory , nor do they make or refute any historic arguments .
- 她表明:这个研究对于植物学家来说是一个挑战,它要么被证实,要么被反驳。
- The study , she says , comes as a challenge to botanists to either refute or confirm .
- 这样便可阻止新立法提案通过。
- That will block new legislative initiatives .
- 现代研究发现细胞因子会阻碍老鼠的记忆形成。
- Modern research has found that cytokines block memory formation in mice .
- 他们的思维没有被会阻碍直觉的个人想法所占据。
- Their minds are not filled with personal thoughts that can block intuition .