- 世界上没有比用疫苗拯救孩子们的生命更经济有效的方式了。
- Nothing on the planet saves children 's lives more effectively and inexpensively than vaccines .
- 一个偶然际遇成就的英雄,霍夫曼拯救了飞机失事的遇难者,使他们免于被烧死。
- An accidental hero , hoffman saves victims of a plane crash from a fiery death .
- 那个拯救你于危机之中的男人?
- That guy who comes along and saves you from a crisis ?
- 大堂墙壁的屏幕上会播放客人在酒店周围潜水的画面。
- Screens on the lobby walls will show diving activities taking place around the hotel .
- 自1912年以来,只有四名女运动员曾在跳水中获得双项金牌。
- Since 1912 , only four women have won both gold medals in diving .
- 那船坞是农场一位前辈在一块草地上盖的,草地紧挨着一个专供游泳、跳水的深水池。
- Which a predecessor of ours at the farm built in the meadow hard by the deepest pool for swimming and diving .