- 给自己成长的空间。
- Allow yourself room to grow .
- 这个市场还有扩大的空间。
- There is room for growth .
- 给自己一些玩乐的空间。
- Give yourself room to play .
- 我得油漆我的公寓.
- I have to paint my apartment .
- 她并没有给她的公寓喷漆。
- She did not paint the apartment .
- 我不得不卖了房子,搬到一个小公寓房里。
- I had to sell the house and move to a small apartment .
- 要想进入生产流水线,必须穿过一个高科技的净化室。
- To get to the production line you pass through a high tech decontamination chamber .
- 这些障碍阻挡了以前对改造下议院的试图。
- Such obstacles have scuppered previous attempts to revamp the second chamber .
- 而davidcameron正在以更快的速度让上议院变的拥挤。
- David cameron has packed the chamber at an even faster rate .