- 有人说是被作恶多端卑鄙的宗教分子给烧毁了,但更有可能的情况是,时间的侵蚀抹去了记录在由有机物质制成的莎草纸上的文字。
- Some say that it was ordered to be burned by outraged religious miserable gits , but it is more likely that it simply rotted away over the years , as papyrus is made from organic material .
- 摩西如何知道,在几千年以后,英国人在指责某个人自私,吝啬时说:“你这个可怜的犹太佬!”
- How was he to know that , thousands of years later , englishmen would use the expression , " you miserable old jew ! " When they wanted to condemn someone 's meanness ?