- 什么会威胁到你的文化。
- What will threaten your culture .
- 海平面的上升威胁到任何海岸线。
- Rising sea levels threaten every coastline .
- 一枚导弹也许会威胁到整座城市。
- A missile could threaten a whole city .
- 即便在冯建梅惨遭引产的事引起全国关注之后,地方官员仍在恫吓她家。
- Even after her plight had grabbed national attention , local officials had continued to intimidate her family .
- 如果莫斯科方面可以将格鲁吉亚的民选政府赶下台,那它也可以恫吓欧洲其他民主政府。
- If moscow can oust georgia 's democratically elected government , it can then intimidate other democratic european governments .
- 另一份为美国银行设计的建议书在法律上甚至更站不住脚,该组织在其中制定计划要渗入维基解密并恫吓其支持者。
- In a separate and even more legally dubious proposal intended for bank of america ( bac ) the group laid out a plan to infiltrate wikileaks and intimidate its supporters .
- 下层人士除了充当为某些事业而被唤起的群众,或被用来恐吓势单力薄的资产阶级的暴民之外,已从政治领域被边缘化。
- Those below have been marginalised from politics , except as masses to be roused for some cause , or as a rabble with which to frighten a narrow and fragile bourgeoisie .
- 我可以指着所有那些裁员的统计资料说话,也可以带出工作机会出国去了这一幽灵来吓唬你。
- I could point at all those layoff statistics . Or I could frighten you by bringing up the spectre of your job going overseas .
- 后来我发现,布谷鸟已经进化到可以伪装成像猎鹰或鹰一下去吓唬靠近他们鸟巢的其他鸟类,这样她才可以安心地产蛋。
- I later discovered that the cuckoo has evolved to look like a falcon or hawk to frighten small birds off their nests , so she can lay her eggs there .
- 如果你可以让母牛和老虎结合的话会怎么样?
- What if you could combine a cow and a tiger ?
- 奶牛造型的通用瓶盖,适用于绝大多数标准的塑料牛奶盅。
- Cow inspired universal cap fits most standard plastic milk jugs .
- 一个新闻记者曾经在文章中称我为“母牛”。
- A newspaper journalist once called me a " cow " in print .