- 紧急行眼科会诊是十分必要的。
- Urgent ophthalmologic consultation is warranted .
- 只有紧急的行动才能减轻压力。
- Only urgent action can ease the pressure .
- 一个紧急公告打断了它。
- It is interrupted by an urgent announcement .
- 当我出于焦虑的时候,我曾不吃镇定药。
- I never have caffeine when I 'm anxious .
- 急于争夺市场份额的各大航空公司的机票定价远低于成本。
- Anxious to chase market share , the airlines priced tickets well below cost .
- 着急于修复他们破损安全网的银行在发放新贷款时已经变得更加小心翼翼。
- Banks anxious to repair their frayed safety nets have become more wary of making new loans .
- 党所支持的项目进展迅速。
- Projects it supports make rapid progress .
- 基金会认为,梦般的十年也被迅速的信贷增长忽悠了。
- The dream decade was also sweetened by rapid credit growth , according to the fund .
- 迅速的社会改革带来了城市经济的增长、教育的发展和大型公司的崛起。
- Rapid social change is coming with urban growth , more education and the rise of big companies .
- 但总统正面临着在阿富汗撤军太快的风险。
- But the president risks running down american forces in afghanistan too fast .
- 市政府官员说他们在以最快的速度行动。
- City officials say they are moving as fast as they can .
- 还有一个例子与大脑另外一个发育过快的部分有关。
- Another example relates to the other part of the brain that grows too fast .