- 你直面过你的愤怒吗?
- Have you faced your anger ?
- 正义的怒火无法融化信贷市场的坚冰。
- Righteous anger will not thaw credit markets .
- 李朝杰的怒火一下子被浇灭了。
- Li zhaojie 's anger at being extinguished .
- 令她暴怒的是经济政策。
- Her fury is over economic policy .
- 叛军心中充满的是愤怒与绝望。
- The rebels are driven by fury and desperation .
- 为什么要给他们这种愤怒?
- Why give them this fury ?
- 让我的愤怒有陪伴者吧!
- And give my rage a brother ---- !
- 而健康问题上的分歧将招致民众的愤怒。
- And the disagreements over health will rage on .
- 内罗毕的贫民窟出现了愤怒的暴乱。
- Nairobi 's slums exploded in rage .
- 几天之中,地底下的煤矿开始燃烧出熊熊大火,即使50年之后,火焰还为被熄灭。
- Within days a raging fire began to burn in the coal mines below the city , and almost 50 years later , it has yet to be extinguished .
- 去往许多地区的道路交通因桥梁倒塌、道路被堵而中断,直升飞机已向被困的幸存者空投物资,救援小组也划着橡皮船在汹涌泥泞的河流中穿行。
- With land access to many areas cut off by collapsed bridges and blocked roads , helicopters dropped supplies to stranded survivors and rescue teams in rubber dinghies crossed raging , muddy rivers .
- 其目的是把日本城市里占主体的密密麻麻的木制房屋和建筑物,变成一片熊熊火海,最终形成最具有破坏力的武器-火暴(firestorm)。
- The objective was to turn the closely-packed , wooden homes and buildings prevalent in the japanese cities into raging infernos and ultimately into the most destructive of all weapons - the firestorm .
- 亨廷顿的理论引发了激烈的争论。
- Huntington 's thesis set off a furious debate .
- 此项提议遭到了俄罗斯极其激烈的反对。
- The proposals have excited furious objections from russia .
- 它引发了激烈的全国性辩论。
- It has sparked a furious national debate .
- 要当心那些遭到蔑视的企业巨人的怒火!
- Beware the wrath of a corporate titan scorned .
- 但他处理争端时不偏不倚的做法本身似乎便足以招致总统的怒火。
- Yet his even-handedness alone seems to have been enough to incur the wrath of the president .
- 反政府的记者持续不断地被媒体老板解雇,以免触发首相大人的怒火。
- Anti-government journalists continue to be sacked by media bosses fearful of incurring the prime minister 's wrath .