- 但是初和耿证明了这也许无所谓。
- But chu and geng show why it may not matter .
- 楚先生广为流传的照片展示了房内带软垫的墙壁。
- Mr chu 's widely circulated pictures showed rooms with padded walls .
- 美国总统当选人奥巴马宣布了他的新的能源部长史蒂芬.楚。
- In december us president-elect barack obama announced his new energy secretary , steven chu .
- 我对走进d厅受那些罪犯的摆布心怀忧惧。
- I dreaded going over to d hall to be manipulated by prisoners .
- 你知道你的身体需要胆固醇来利用阳光合成维生素d吗?
- Did you know that your body needs cholesterol to synthesize sunlight into vitamin d ?
- 人体要吸收钙,还需要摄取充足的维生素d。
- People also need sufficient levels of vitamin d to absorb the calcium .