- 职业母亲没有理由享受特殊待遇。
- Working mothers don 't deserve special treatment .
- 其他行业接受类似待遇的时机已经成熟。
- Other industries are ripe for similar treatment .
- 另外一个阻碍是差别待遇。
- Poor treatment is another deterrent .
- •年均基本工资:222,231美元
- • Average annual base pay : $ 222,231
- 选择在线支付行李托运的费用。
- Pay for your checked bag online .
- 我们付了饭钱,离开了咖啡馆。
- We pay the bill and leave .
- 你满意你的薪水吗?
- Are you pleased with your salary ?
- 工资也和基因有关。
- Salary also depends on dna .
- 日本的企业只给销售员工资。
- Japanese salesmen are typically paid a salary only .
- 另一个问题是报酬不够高。
- Another issue is the lack of remuneration .
- 最重要的是,工资只是高管薪酬中的一个部分。
- Above all , salary is only one part of any executive 's remuneration .
- 关于金融报酬的争论将促使许多专业人士寻求其它形式的就业。
- Controversies about financial remuneration will cause many professionals to seek other types of employment .