- 在富裕的沿海省份和落后的内陆之间也有同样的严重的差距。
- A similarly sharp divergence has occurred between the wealthy coastal provinces and the backward interior .
- 我能感觉到你向后摔倒,你的手挥舞着保护我。
- I could feel you fall backward , and your hands flying up to protect me .
- 尽量不要让头部向前、向后或向两侧倾斜,同时膝盖不要用力,保持放松状态。
- Try not to tilt your head forward backward or sideways and make sure your knees are relaxed - not locked .
- 从现在开始,所有部长们的特别退休金计划也将被取消。
- And from now on all ministers will lose their special pension schemes .
- 从今以后,那些下里巴人的普罗大众也能进化出他们自己的音乐了无需作曲家和作词者,也无需音乐训练。
- From now on the great unwashed masses can evolve their own compositions no composers songwriters or musical training required .
- 对于名誉总统的薪资会有超过一半的削减,而且,从此以后所有议员将失去特殊津贴计划。
- The salary for the largely honorific president is to be more than halved . And from now on all ministers will lose their special pension schemes .
- 她这样子是有原因,我后来才知道。
- The reason for this only became clear later on .
- 记住我的话,你以后对这件事会后悔的。
- Eg. mark my words you 'll regret this later on .
- 如果你过分集中于其中的任何一个,那么稍后你就会遇到问题。
- If you concentrate on either one too much then you can run into problems later on .