- 它也将再次出现强势反弹。
- It will bounce back stronger again .
- 经济的迅速反弹看来是不太可能的。
- A quick bounce back looks unlikely .
- 也许增长将会出现反弹。
- Perhaps growth will bounce back .
- 但去年春季该公司倒闭了。
- The company folded last spring .
- 纳马夸兰的春季花朵世界知名。
- The namaqualand spring flowers are world famous .
- 你准备好了春季大扫除吗?
- Are you ready for spring cleaning ?
- 在圣地亚哥和新墨西哥州的沙漠里,海藻实验农场如雨后春笋般涌现。
- And experimental algae farms are springing up in san diego and the deserts of new mexico .
- 在缅甸的河流上如雨后春笋般出现了许多大坝,发出的水电点亮了云南的电灯。
- Dams are springing up on myanmar 's rivers , to generate hydropower to keep the lights burning in yunnan .
- 事实上,独立网站上已经涌现出帮助pc用户对付windows8许多讨厌之处的方法。
- Indeed , independent websites are already springing up help pc users deal with windows 8 's many annoyances .
- 但对于那个原则来说我们已经死了,因此不再认为我们还受它的约束。
- But we died to that principle , and as such should reckon ourselves no longer bound to it .
- 尹建莉还鼓励女儿不要被狭隘的思维方式所束缚。
- Yin also encouraged her daughter not to be bound by narrow thinking .
- 美国人建设了大而高效的机构,不被亲属和宗族关系所束缚。
- Americans build large , efficient organizations that are not bound by the circles of kinship and clan .