By contrast , scientists working with priate money hae been deeloping embryonic stem cell lines that are hardier , less demanding , and not dependent on mouse cells .
Though some hardier souls say that in bad times people need the arts even more ( and I agree ) , we would be foolish not to be concerned .
They 'd all need to be hardier and thicker-skinned than current humans , in order to deal with the greater influx of cosmic radiation they would experience in the absence of a geomagnetic field .
Plants that were bred prior to world war ii are naturally hardier because they were established - and thrived - before the development of modern fertilizers and pesticides .
Drought-resistant crops ( including genetically modified ones ) reduce the amount of water plants draw from the soil-an environmental plus-and are hardier , raising returns to farmers in bad years .
The calves have about a 20 % mortality rate , so mating with bigger females could increase a male 's chance of reproductive success by siring larger , hardier offspring , pack says .
Yet corals may be hardier than biologists have thought .
Hardier creatures soon face another threat : people .
Theoretically , experiments with genes that confer resistance to disease or herbicides could create hardier weeds .