- 指控异端会造成致命的后果,只是伊斯兰极端主义与人权冲突的大问题的一个部分。
- The deadly effects of heresy charges are only part of the broader problem of fundamentalist islam 's incompatibility with human rights .
- 但不同种类的异端邪说的余烬今后是否还会再燃?
- But will the embers of a different kind of heresy continue to burn ?
- 他对这种异端邪说的持有,加剧了他的沉默,隐秘和性情的内倾。
- That he held this heresy was a further aggravation of his silence and secrecy and inwardness of disposition .
- 可是,虽然苏菲派在穆斯林世界一些地方中具有强劲基层拥趸,阿拉维还是发现自己不论同伊斯兰现代标准,抑或鄙视个人主义非正统的“民间伊斯兰教”之禁欲标准(瓦哈比教),都格格不入。
- But here too-although sufism retains a strong grassroots following in several parts of the muslim world-he finds himself at odds with both the modernist and puritanical ( wahhabi ) strands of islam , which disdain the individualistic heterodoxy of " folk islam " .
- 说实在的,尽管安琪尔信仰异端邪说,但是他常常觉得在做人方面,他比两个哥哥更接近父亲。
- Indeed , despite his own heterodoxy , angel often felt that be was nearer to his father on the human side than was either of his brethren .
- 这个王室家族还密切关注着占沙特人口十分之一的什叶派穆斯林们,他们被掌权的逊尼派看作是和伊朗同流合污的异教徒。
- The royal family has kept a close watch on the tenth of the saudi population who are shia muslims , regarded by the ruling sunnis as heretics in league with iran .
- 在对抗过程中,他们放弃传统做法,因此被人当作异端。
- And they go up against conventional wisdom and get called heretics in the process .
- 平民奢侈的异端承诺审问逻辑。
- Plebeian extravagant heretics promises interrogation logics .
- 这孩子已经误入歧途了.
- This boy is going astray .
- 如果这影响了你的判断,即使是移情作用也可能导致你误入歧途。
- Even being empathetic can lead you astray if you let it cloud your judgment .
- 没有重点,只有激情会将你引入歧途。
- Passion without focus can lead you astray .