
heretics 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- The royal family has kept a close watch on the tenth of the saudi population who are shia muslims , regarded by the ruling sunnis as heretics in league with iran .
- 这个王室家族还密切关注着占沙特人口十分之一的什叶派穆斯林们,他们被掌权的逊尼派看作是和伊朗同流合污的异教徒。
- And they go up against conventional wisdom and get called heretics in the process .
- 在对抗过程中,他们放弃传统做法,因此被人当作异端。
- Plebeian extravagant heretics promises interrogation logics .
- 平民奢侈的异端承诺审问逻辑。
- Heretics took up the idea of a collection of authoritative writings .
- 异端者就想出要收集一套有权威性的文献这个观念来。
- Science guardian new aids review talk in new york damned heretics .
- 科学卫士新艾滋病在纽约诅咒异端审查谈话。
- Shiites are in the minority in pakistan , and are often targeted by sunni extremists who consider them heretics .
- 什叶派在巴基斯坦占少数,他们也经常成为逊尼派激进分子的袭击目标,因为这些激进分子认为什叶派是异教徒。
- Does your protection extend to heretics ?
- 你已经保护到异端分子身上了?
- Puritans and heretics , revolutionaries and tory loyalists , abolitionists and slaveholders and even a supreme court justice .
- 清教徒和异教徒革命者和保守党的支持者废奴主义者和奴隶主甚至还包括一名最高法院大法官。
- Burning heretics at the stake .
- 在火刑柱上烧死异端邪说者。
- Feudal rulers often branded those who rebelled against them as traitors and heretics .
- 封建统治者常给那些反抗他们的人加上大逆不道的罪名。