- 机舱污水和压载水分别使用不同的管系。
- Different pipe systems must be used for engine room waste water and the ballasting water .
- 目前云林县大埤乡已开始规划设置酸菜专业区及废水处理,诸如改善排水沟,废水淡化处理后方可排放及设置焚化炉,将废弃物、叶菜焚化。
- At present the yunlin county tabision township started to plan the establishment pickled cabbage specialized area and waste water processing , such as the improvement drain , after waste water desalination processing only then discharges and establishes the crematory , reject , leaf vegetable cremation .
- 这些从洗碗池、浴室、浴盆、洗碗机和洗衣机里来的废水,占到家庭废水的50%到80%。
- Graywater , the used water from sinks , showers , tubs , dishwashers and washing machines , represents 50 to 80 percent of home " waste " water .
- 我们不应当再把海洋当成人类生活污水和工业污水的垃圾场了。
- We should stop treating the sea as a dump for human and industrial effluent .
- 在污水减少的成本和利益之间没有平衡的要求。
- There is no requirement of a balancing between the costs and benefits of effluent reduction .
- 新工程设想在离海岸约一公里的出口处排出污水流出物。
- The new works were assumed to discharge the sweage effluent from an outfall approximately one kilometre off the coast .
- 钓一些下水道的大老鼠作为晚餐?
- Fishing some sewage rats for dinner ?
- 从破裂的污水管里流出的污物都沉到了水底。
- All the stuff from the broken sewage mains has settled on the bottom .
- 来自动物或人类下水道的排泄物有时会使情况加剧。
- Sometimes the waste from animals or human sewage worsens the blight .