- 他于1982年向英国议会表示,“我们今天的使命是:维护和平,也维护自由……我认为民主运动重整旗鼓,在全球争取自由运动的支援下,有助于增强军备控制与世界和平的前景。”
- He told the british parliament in 1982 , " our mission today : to preserve freedom as well as peace ....... I believe the renewed strength of the democratic movement , complemented by a global campaign for freedom , will strengthen the prospects for arms control and a world at peace . "
- 从古代开始,自由对于人们的意义便非比寻常,并且也便有了它的反对派,不只有政治上的还有宗教上的通过宗教裁判所,经由逐出教会,酷刑和流放,以及对人类寻求自由的彻底否定。
- From ancient times freedom has meant a great deal to man , and there have been its opponents , not only political but religious-through the inquisition , by excommunication , tortures and banishments , and the total denial of man 's search for freedom .
- 这几周在埃及和巴林,我为那些勇敢的人们所深深地折服:看似理所应当,却是在为自由而公然反抗着催泪瓦斯和子弹。
- In egypt and bahrain in recent weeks , I 've been humbled by the lionhearted men and women I 've seen defying tear gas or bullets for freedom that we take for granted .